Bible Prophecy. The Beast's Mark Enforced by the Antichrist (whose number is 666), causes Christian Persecution in the 7 Jewish Year Tribulation

Bible Prophecy

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Bible Prophecy. The Beast's Mark Enforced by the Antichrist

Bible prophecy. The Beast's mark enforced by the Antichrist (whose number is 666), causes Christian persecution in the 7 Jewish year tribulation Start It is Best to Start at the Beginning of this Summary of many Bible Prophesies.

Bible prophecy has been known to be 100% accurate although some interpretations do vary. The majority of Bible scholars however, do agree in a literal interpretation like the one below. It predicts a series of events that many believe will occur very soon.

One of the initial things to happen, probably as a result of some global crisis, will be a one world government. Their aim will be to force everyone to accept a satanic mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17).

The Bible predicts two one world leaders or Antichrists who will rule the entire world (Rev 13, Dan 7:8, 11, 23). One will be the main leader, or the Beast, while the other, the False Prophet, will perform miracles and force the world to worship the Beast and his Image. The False Prophet, whose number is 666, will enforce the mark, which could be a tattoo or computer chip. Initially they will promise peace, and deceive many that they are good. They will reign for 7 Jewish (360 day) years, after they sign a treaty with many people. The day the agreement is signed will begin the 7 year tribulation (Dan 9:27). During that period, there will be tribulation on the earth worse then any ever before (Math 24:21). They will reign over 10 powers initially, and later they will gain more power and overthrow 3 of them (Dan 7:7, 8, 20, 24, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:13, 14). In the middle of the 7 year tribulation, 1260 days after the agreement is signed, the Beast will break the agreement, gain ultimate control and enter the temple he built, claiming to be God and blaspheming against God (Dan 9:27, 7:25, Rev13:5, Rev 11:2, 2Thes 2:3-9). At this time he will stop Jewish sacrifices in this temple he promised the Jews. There will be widespread genocide and persecution, especially of Christians and people who don't worship the Beast or his Image, which the False Prophet will cause to speak (Rev 13:15). The world leaders will deceive many, as the Beast is prophesied to be put to death and later regain life again (Rev 13:3, 12). The world leaders will form a more cruel dictatorship than any before them (Dan 7:7).

The Bible warns that if you accept the mark on your right hand or forehead to enable buying or selling, and worship the Beast and his Image you will come under the control of the Devil and be destined for Hell (Rev 14:9, 10, 2Thes 2:11, 12). It is better to die instead, and give your life to Jesus by surrendering to him, and asking him to forgive your sins, and to gain eternal life (John 3:16, Rom 10:9, Rev 3:19-21, Acts 17:30). Don't be deceived like many, who will worship the Antichrist or his Image, and receive his mark (Rev 13:14).

Bible prophecy. The Beast's mark enforced by the Antichrist (whose number is 666), causes Christian persecution in the 7 Jewish year tribulation.
Easy reading Bible prophecy summary on one page with many prophecies

Bible prophecy. The Beast's mark enforced by the Antichrist (whose number is 666), causes Christian persecution in the 7 Jewish year tribulation.

True Christianity * Are you really Saved?        * You may be Shocked        * Great Solutions, Hope & Answers Unlike seen Elsewhere      * A Better System & Workforce      * The Great Deception      * Not Only Prophecy.

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